Ultra-hypofractionated Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer with CyberKnife® System
The premier solution for low and intermediate risk prostate cancer
The CyberKnife® System is designed to streamline and optimize Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) to benefit your practice and your patients.

Precise robotic SBRT treatment as individual as every patient
The CyberKnife® System combines advanced robotic treatment and sophisticated imaging algorithms to track and automatically adapt stereotactic body radiation therapy to synchronize with the prostate’s unpredictable motion and rotation, enabling the clinical team to deliver high doses of radiation with extreme precision and providing the patient with a personalized treatment.

Demonstrated Clinical Benefits
Two large prospective, multi-institutional and CyberKnife System only clinical studies report excellent clinical outcomes at five years post-treatment. These studies, conducted at academic and community medical centers across the United States, provide robust clinical data supporting excellent clinical outcomes achievable with the efficacy of CyberKnife Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) for patients with low- and intermediate-risk prostate cancer.
Clinical Update
Dr. Nicholas van As presented acute toxicity results from the PACE trial at ASCO GU 2019. The study showed that there was no statistical difference between toxicity following conventionally fractionated RT or SBRT in men with early stage, organ-confined prostate cancer.
Proven Results
Listen to Dr. Robert Meier discuss the clinical results of a 5-year prospective study of prostate SBRT with the CyberKnife System.
Customer Testimonial
CyberKnife® Prostate Cancer Patient Experience
Watch Gerhard Hirsbrunner share his story from Inselspital Bern in Switzerland
Customer Testimonial
CyberKnife® Treatment for Prostate Cancer
Listen to Dr. Donald B. Fuller who was an early adopter of the CyberKnife System
Unmatched Precision & Versatility

Real-Time Motion Synchronization
The revolutionary Synchrony® System utilizes artificial intelligence to adapt treatment delivery in real-time to patient and/or target movement without human intervention. With the push of a button, CyberKnife S7™ treatments can be delivered continuously, efficiently and without disrupting standard workflows.
Stereotactic targeting
The prostate may move unpredictably as much as 10 mm in as little as 30 seconds1 and rotate as much as 10 degrees2 due to normal patient bodily functions. The CyberKnife System is the only device that delivers continual image guidance, automatic motion synchronization and delivery adaptation. With constant updates of target position throughout the respiratory cycle, the CyberKnife System delivers beams synchronized in real-time to targets that move with respiration while adapting to changes in breathing patterns–delivering highly conformal radiation with considerably smaller margins and unprecedented accuracy.

Sharp dose gradient
The robotic design of the CyberKnife System seamlessly delivers non-coplanar, non-isocentric and isocentric beams from a wide range of angles. These unique delivery capabilities sculpt conformal dose distributions and enable precise and effective treatments. Sharp dose gradients provided by the system for prostate treatments minimize dose to critical structures such as the bladder, rectum, and vessels, that if damaged, significantly impact a patient’s quality of life.
Validated accuracy
The CyberKnife System uses proprietary anatomy-specific algorithms to track tumor motion. Synchrony® Fiducial Tracking™ is used for prostate treatments and allows the patient to lie naturally on the treatment couch without the need for restraints. Academic institutions have independently validated the total accuracy of this modality to be even better than Accuray’s industry leading sub-millimeter performance specification.
- 0.95 mm (Accuray Specification)
- 0.48 ± 0.22 mm2
- 0.30 ± 0.12 mm14
- 0.44 ± 0.12 mm16

Versatility in collimator options
The CyberKnife System offers a collection of available collimators, providing the versatility needed to treat a wide range of prostate tumors.
- Fixed Circular Collimators
- Iris™ Variable Aperture Collimator
- InCise™ Multileaf Collimator
Exceptional Patient Satisfaction5
Clinical Examples
Prostate SBRT
36.25 Gy / 5 fractions to the PTV
40 Gy to the Prostate
Isodose distribution:
Homogenous dose distribution; typical external beam dose distribution with the same dose to the entire prostate.

Prostate SBRT
38 Gy / 4 fractions to the PTV
57 Gy to the peripheral and posterior regions
Isodose distribution:
Heterogeneous dose distribution; typical brachytherapy dose distribution with higher dose to the peripheral and posterior regions. Studies have shown a higher density of cancer cells in these regions.4

CyberKnife System Accuracy:
1. Jupelian P, et al. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2007; 67(4):1088-98
2. van de Water S, et al. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2014;99(5):1154-1160
3. Antypas C. and Pantelis E. “Performance evaluation of a CyberKnife G4
image-guided robotic stereotactic radiosurgery system.” Phys Med Biol.
53:4697-4718, 2008
4. McNeal J, et al. Am J Clin Pathol. 1988; 12: 897-906
5. CyberKnife Coalition patient survey: 304 patients that received SBRT to treat prostate cancer. 2010.
Technology naming information:
In April 2020 Accuray expanded the use of the Synchrony® brand name. As such, please be advised that the names for motion tracking and correction algorithms referenced in clinical publications may be different that current naming. Below you will find information on those name changes so that you may find the appropriate reference in existing clinical literature:
Synchrony® Fiducial Tracking was called 6D Fiducial Tracking