
Thank you for helping us protect our trademarks and brand assets

Accuray is grateful for the trust that people place in our products and services.

Accuray trademarks are words and logos legally registered and/or established through use as identifying the source of Accuray products and services. This webpage does not grant any express or implied license to use Accuray trademarks. Accuray trademarks may not be used except as permitted by law or with the express permission of Accuray. Please contact Accuray Global Marketing Communications department for any questions.

Where use of Accuray trademarks are permitted, these Trademark and Brand Guidelines (“Guidelines”) detail how you can help us protect Accuray brand assets, including logos and wordmarks, and the trust that they represent. We have created these Guidelines to help clarify proper usage of our brand assets.

Accuray brand assets—including the Accuray Trademarks (PDF)  (as updated from time to time), logos, icons, designs, fonts, names of Accuray software, products, services, and any other brand features and elements, whether registered or unregistered (“Brand Assets”)—are proprietary assets owned exclusively by Accuray. We also own the names we use for our products and services on this website, and these names are protected by United States and certain foreign trademark laws. These Guidelines, which may be updated from time to time, detail how our Brand Assets can be used under specific circumstances. There may be special rules for the use of materials provided on certain parts of this website. These special rules will be posted near the materials


If you have a question regarding the use of Accuray trademarks, please consult your legal counsel or your Accuray business contact.

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For more information on Accuray trademarks and guidance on their appropriate use, please contact [email protected].

Medical Affairs

Accuray Medical Affairs serves as your comprehensive resource hub for clinical evidence, and peer collaboration through our user community.


Industry-leading service to support your ongoing success, from speedy install and optimization, to proactive monitoring and unrivalled on-site service, to smart upgrade paths to keep your system at the leading edge.

Treatment Solutions

From robotic to helical radiation therapy delivery, we invent unique, market-changing solutions that are designed to deliver radiation treatments across a full spectrum of patient needs.

Treatment Centers

What's New

Your go-to source for staying informed about our advancements.

Why Accuray

Accuray is expanding radiation therapy: our products can deliver it accurately, precisely and effectively, from oncology to neuro-radiosurgery and beyond.